Yo yo yo yo yo!  What up Fellas!

Here are the new songs we’re going to work on for the February 4, 2024 recording session.  Listen to them here first on the web music player below, or listen to them along with the charts.  To view the charts, lyrics, videos for each new song click the “charts” link next to each song, or just click on the “Set List” link that’s part of the top menu of the website.  There, I have the charts to every song in our set list organized by key.  Any questions, you know how to get in touch with me.  The goal is to get through at least 4 songs (2 takes each) on the Feb 4 recording session.

While these songs are meant for the band, I know there’s others I’ve told to check out.  To everyone else who’s listening, thanks for supporting live music, and the local music scene. Reach out before you share anything.  These songs were written to copyrighted to the Ram Music and OD Soul, Inc (ASCAP Singer Songwriter IPI Number: 375350750
ASCAP Publisher IPI Number: 375351159)



Everything | 2024

Everything Chart, by the Ram

Listen to the Cold | 2024

Listen to the Cold by the Ram 2024

Space Cowboy | 2024

Join Along | 2024

The Moon's Loving Light | 2024

There Moon's Loving Light, by the Ram 2024

Perpetual Change | 2024

Perpetual Change by the Ram

Warmth of the Fire | 2024

Warmth of the Fire by the Ram copyright the Ram and OD Soul Inc ASCAP Singer Songwriter IPI Number: 375350750 ASCAP Publisher IPI Number: 375351159